0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Business Context |
  3 Capability Statement |
  4 Changelog |
  5 Collect Measurements |
  6 Complete Care Plan |
  7 Consent Based Access Control |
  8 Create Care Plan |
  9 Create Condition |
  10 Create Encounter |
  11 Developer Guide |
  12 Extensions |
  13 Faq |
  14 Fhir Consent |
  15 Health Checks |
  16 History |
  17 In Home Observations |
  18 Initial Assesment |
  19 Roadmap |
  20 Artifacts Summary |
   20.1 Care In The Community ActivityDefinition Apply Operation |
   20.2 Care In The Community PlanDefinition Apply Operation |
   20.3 Care In The Community QuestionnaireResponse Extract Operation |
   20.4 CommunicationPerson |
   20.5 ManaakiNgaTahiAllergyIntolerance |
   20.6 ManaakiNgaTahiCarePlan |
   20.7 ManaakiNgaTahiCondition |
   20.8 ManaakiNgaTahiDocumentReference |
   20.9 ManaakiNgaTahiEncounter |
   20.10 ManaakiNgaTahiObservation |
   20.11 ManaakiNgaTahiPlanDefinition |
   20.12 ManaakiNgaTahiServiceRequest |
   20.13 ServiceRequestActivityDefinition |
   20.14 Template for COVID-19 Care in the Community CCCM MVP Careplans |
   20.15 Vital Signs Observation Service Request |
   20.16 AIR - Overseas, Historic, Not Done |
   20.17 Antiviral medication eligibility questionnaire |
   20.18 COVID-19 RAT Result Questionnaire |
   20.19 COVID19 Initial Health Assessment Questionnaire |
   20.20 COVID19 Public Health History Questionnaire |
   20.21 COVID19 Vaccination Side Effects Questionnaire |
   20.22 Measles Daily Health Check |
   20.23 Mental Health Assessment Survey |
   20.24 Post Vaccine Symptom Check day 3 survey |
   20.25 Post Vaccine Symptom Check day 42 survey |
   20.26 Pregnancy Assessment Survey |
   20.27 Private Colposcopy Did Not Attend Questionnaire |
   20.28 Private Colposcopy Discharge Questionnaire |
   20.29 Private Colposcopy Referral Summary Questionnaire |
   20.30 Private Colposcopy Visit Summary Questionnaire |
   20.31 Question Template for COVID-19 Regular Health Check |
   20.32 Report a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result |
   20.33 ActiveMonitoringDay3SurveyQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.34 ActiveMonitoringDay42SurveyQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.35 AntiviralEligibilityNoQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.36 AntiviralEligibilityYesQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.37 ConsumerCOVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.38 COVIDInitialHealthAssessmentQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.39 COVIDPublicHealthHistoryQuestionnaireResponseSherrylCarrion |
   20.40 COVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.41 COVIDRegularHealthCheckQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.42 COVIDVaccinationSurveyQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.43 ImmsotVaccinationDataEntryQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.44 MeaslesHealthCheckQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.45 MentalHealthAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.46 PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.47 CareyCarrington |
   20.48 ConditionExample |
   20.49 COVID-19 Omicron Response - Carey Carrington |
   20.50 DocumentReferenceExample |
   20.51 DrDottyMcStuffins |
   20.52 EncounterExample |
   20.53 ObservationExample |
   20.54 ObservationsServiceRequestExample |
   20.55 NIBSCommunicationPersonExample |
   20.56 WhaihuaCommunicationPersonExample |
   20.57 ActiveConsentExample |
   20.58 ConsentByQuestionnaireExample |
   20.59 ConsentByRelatedPersonExample |
   20.60 ConsentExample |
   20.61 ConsentQuestionnaireResponseExample |
   20.62 ManaakiNgaTahiConsent |
   20.63 ProvisionalConsentExample |
   20.64 Question Template for COVID-19 Privacy Statement Question |
   20.65 HSAAPAdjudicatedClaimResponse |
   20.66 PharmacySubmittedClaim |
   20.67 Shared Care FHIR Server Capability Statement |
   20.68 Vital Signs Observation Service Request |
   20.69 Template for Remote Monitoring Heart Failure Care Plan |
   20.70 Remote Monitoring COPD Survey |
   20.71 Remote Monitoring Feedback Survey |
   20.72 Remote Monitoring Heart Failure Symptom Survey Questionnaire |
   20.73 HNZ Person Telecom Count Shared |
   20.74 HNZ Person Telecom Information Source |
   20.75 HNZ Person Telecom Invalid Indicator |
   20.76 HNZ Person Telecom Last Contacted |
   20.77 HNZ Person Telecom Phone Type |
   20.78 HNZ Person Telecom Score |
   20.79 COVID19 vaccines recognised by NZ public health |
   20.80 Information source when using the telecom information source extension |
   20.81 NZ purpose of use |
   20.82 System that last updated the record |
   20.83 Telecom phone type indicator |
   20.84 Telecom record score indicator |
   20.85 Codes for Telecom Phone Types |
   20.86 Codes for Telecom Score |
   20.87 Codes for Telecom Source Systems |
   20.88 Codings for COVID-19 vaccination brands recognised in New Zealand public health |
   20.89 AllergyIntoleranceExample |
   20.90 RemoteMonitoringHeartFailureSymptomSurveyQuestionnaireResponse |
   20.91 Template for COVID-19 Care in the Community CCCM MVP Careplans |