Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API
0.4.0 - release
Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API - Local Development build (v0.4.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.1.1 | |||
Draft as of 2025-01-07 | Computable Name: PrivateColposcopyVisitQuestionnaire | |||
Other Identifiers: PrivateColposcopyVisitQuestionnaire (use: official, ) | ||||
Usage:Workflow Setting: |
To gather the Visit details of Private Colposcopy procedure.
Generated Narrative: Questionnaire PrivateColposcopyVisitQuestionnaire
StructureLinkID | Text | Cardinality | Type | Description & Constraints |
PrivateColposcopyVisitQuestionnaire | Questionnaire | | ||
p01-ClinicInformation | page 01. Clinic Information | 0..1 | group | |
p01-q01-ClinicName | page 01 question 1. Colposcopy HPI facility ID | 0..1 | reference | |
p02-VisitInformation | page 02. Colposcopy Visit | 0..1 | group | |
p02-q01-VisitDate | page 02 question 1. Date of Visit | 1..1 | date | |
p02-q02-AdmissionType | page 02 question 2. Admission Type | 1..1 | choice | Options: 3 options |
p02-q03-ColposcopyPerformed | page 02 question 3. Colposcopy Performed | 1..1 | boolean | |
p02-q04-ColposcopySite | page 02 question 4. Colposcopy Site | 1..1 | choice | Options: 4 options |
p02-q05-ColposcopySiteOther | page 02 question 5. Please describe the Alternative Site | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p02-q04-ColposcopySite = |
p02-q06-ResultsDiscussed | page 02 question 6. Review / Results Discussed? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p02-q07-ArrangedTreatment | page 02 question 7. Arranged Treatment? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p03-ColposcopyFindings | page 03. Colposcopy Findings | 0..1 | group | |
p03-q01-HysterectomyStatus | page 03 question 1. Patient has total hysterectomy? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p03-q02-SquamocolumnarJunction | page 03 question 2. Squamocolumnar junction visible | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p03-q01-HysterectomyStatus = Options: 3 options |
p03-q03-TransformationZone | page 03 question 3. Transformation Zone type | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p03-q01-HysterectomyStatus = Options: 3 options |
p03-q04-LesionPresent | page 03 question 4. Lesion Present | 1..1 | choice | Options: 3 options |
p03-q05-QuandrantsInvolved | page 03 question 5. Number of Quadrants Involved | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p03-q04-LesionPresent = Options: 4 options |
p03-q06-ColposcopicAppearance | page 03 question 6. Colposcopic appearance | 1..1 | choice | Options: 3 options |
p03-q07-LesionVisible | page 03 question 7. Limits of Lesion Visible | 1..1 | boolean | Enable When: p03-q04-LesionPresent = |
p03-q08-AbnormalityGrade | page 03 question 8. Predicted Grade of Abnormality | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p03-q06-ColposcopicAppearance = Options: 5 options |
p04-ActionsTaken | page 04. Actions Taken | 0..1 | group | |
p04-q01-CervicalSample | page 04 question 1. Cervical / vaginal sample | 1..1 | choice | Options: 4 options |
p04-q02-PunchBiopsy | page 04 question 2. Punch biopsy | 1..1 | boolean | |
p04-q03-BiopsySite | page 04 question 3. Site of Biopsy(s) | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q02-PunchBiopsy = |
p04-q04-BiopsyReason | page 04 question 4. Reason for not taking biopsy(s) | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p04-q02-PunchBiopsy = Options: 4 options |
p04-q05-BiopsyReasonOther | page 04 question 5. Other Reason for biopsy not taken | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q04-BiopsyReason = |
p04-q06-TreatmentTaken | page 04 question 6. Treatment this visit | 1..1 | boolean | |
p04-q07-TreatmentType | page 04 question 7. Type of treatment | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p04-q06-TreatmentTaken = Options: 8 options |
p04-q08-AnaesthesiaUsed | page 04 question 8. Local or general anaesthesia used | 1..1 | choice | Options: 3 options |
p04-q09-AnaesthesiaReason | page 04 question 9. Reason for General Anasthesia | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q08-AnaesthesiaUsed = |
p04-q09.1-AnaesthesiaReasonHelpText | page 04 question 9.1. This information is required as 80% of anaesthesia should be local | 0..1 | display | |
p05-DataRecieved | page 05. Data Recieved | 0..1 | group | |
p05-q01-HistologyReport | page 05 question 1. Date histology specimen report received | 0..1 | date | |
p05-q02-DecisionDate | page 05 question 2. Decision to treat date | 0..1 | date | |
p05-q03-InformParticipantDate | page 05 question 3. Date participant informed | 0..1 | date | |
p05-q04-FollowupRecommended | page 05 question 4. Follow-up management at colposcopy recommended | 0..1 | boolean | |
p05-q05-NextVisit | page 05 question 5. Next visit recommended in (months | 1..1 | choice | Enable When: p05-q04-FollowupRecommended = Options: 15 options |
Documentation for this format |
Options Sets
Answer options for p02-q02-AdmissionType
Answer options for p02-q04-ColposcopySite
Answer options for p03-q02-SquamocolumnarJunction
Answer options for p03-q03-TransformationZone
Answer options for p03-q04-LesionPresent
Answer options for p03-q05-QuandrantsInvolved
Answer options for p03-q06-ColposcopicAppearance
Answer options for p03-q08-AbnormalityGrade
Answer options for p04-q01-CervicalSample
Answer options for p04-q04-BiopsyReason
Answer options for p04-q07-TreatmentType
Answer options for p04-q08-AnaesthesiaUsed
Answer options for p05-q05-NextVisit