Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API
0.4.0 - release
Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API - Local Development build (v0.4.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.4.0 | |||
Draft as of 2025-01-07 | Computable Name: PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaire | |||
Other Identifiers: PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaire (use: official, period: 8/16/23 --> (ongoing)), Questionnaire-PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaire (use: temp, period: 3/7/23 --> 7/26/23) |
Te Whatu Ora pregnancy assessment survey.
Generated Narrative: Questionnaire PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaire
StructureLinkID | Text | Cardinality | Type | Description & Constraints |
PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaire | Te Whatu Ora pregnancy assessment survey. | Questionnaire | | |
p01 | page 1. Pregnancy Context | 0..1 | group | |
p01-q01-PregnancyStatus | page 1 question 1. Are you currently pregnant or postpartum? | 1..1 | choice | Options: 2 options |
p01-q01-1-PregnancyStatus.Gestation | page 1 question 1.1. Gestation | 1..1 | integer | Enable When: p01-q01-PregnancyStatus = |
p01-q01-2-PregnancyStatus.DeliveryDate | page 1 question 1.2. Expected Delivery Date (EDD) | 1..1 | date | Enable When: p01-q01-PregnancyStatus = |
p01-q01-3-PregnancyStatus.Postpartum | page 1 question 1.3. Postpartum | 1..1 | integer | Enable When: p01-q01-PregnancyStatus = |
p01-q02-Parity | page 1 question 2. Para | 1..1 | integer | |
p01-q02-Partiy.HelpText | How many live births of viable gestation has the patient had? | 0..1 | display | |
p01-q03-Gravida | page 1 question 3. Gravida | 1..1 | integer | |
p02 | page 2. Midwife Information | 0..1 | group | |
p02-q01-MidwifeName | page 2 question 1. Midwife Name | 1..1 | text | |
p02-q02-MidwifeContact | page 2 question 2. Midwife Contact | 1..1 | text | |
p03 | page 3. Findings | 0..1 | group | |
p03-q01-Ultrasound | page 3 question 1. Ultrasound Findings | 0..1 | text | |
p03-q02-BloodTest | page 3 question 2. Blood Tests | 0..1 | text | |
p04 | page 4. Complications and Symptoms | 0..1 | group | |
p04-q01-CurrentComplications | page 4 question 1. Any current pregnancy complications? | 0..1 | boolean | |
p04-q01-1-CurrentComplications.Details | page 4 question 1.1. Please explain your pregnancy complications | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q01-CurrentComplications = |
p04-q02-ComplicationsPrevious | page 4 question 2. Any previous pregnancy complications? | 0..1 | boolean | |
p04-q02-1-ComplicationsPrevious.Details | page 4 question 2.1. Please explain any complications from previous pregnancies | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q02-ComplicationsPrevious = |
p04-q03-PreEclampsia | page 4 question 3. Any signs of pre-eclampsia? | 0..1 | boolean | |
p04-q03-p04-q03-PreEclampsia.HelpText | Headache, Epigastric pain, flashing lights. | 0..1 | display | |
p04-q03-1-PreEclampsia.Details | page 4 question 3.1. Please explain any symptoms suggestive of pre-eclampsia? | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q03-PreEclampsia = |
p04-q04-DVT | page 4 question 4. Any signs suggestive of a DVT? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p04-q04-DVT.HelpText | lateral swelling, redness or calf-tenderness | 0..1 | display | |
p04-q04-1-DVT.Details | page 4 question 4.1. Please explain any symptoms suggestive of a DVT | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q04-DVT = |
p04-q05-Dysuria | page 4 question 5. Any signs of Dysuria? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p04-q05-1-Dysuria.Details | page 4 question 5.1. Please explain any details of your Dysuria | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q05-Dysuria = |
p04-q06-VaginalDischarge | page 4 question 6. Vaginal Discharge? | 1..1 | boolean | Initial Value: boolean = false |
p04-q06-1-VaginalDischarge.Details | page 4 question 6.1. Please explain any details. | 1..1 | text | Enable When: p04-q06-VaginalDischarge = |
p05 | page 5. Obstetrician Notes | 0..1 | group | |
p05-q01-ObstetricianNotes | page 5 question 1. Obstetrician Details and Discussion, including any potential clexane requirement? | 0..1 | text | |
p06 | page 6. Post 23 Week Information | 0..1 | group | Enable When: p01-q01-1-PregnancyStatus.Gestation >= |
p06-q01-FetalMovement | page 6 question 1. Any baby movement felt? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p06-q01-1-FetalMovement.Details | page 6 question 1.1. Any details surrounding the baby movement? | 0..1 | text | Enable When: p06-q01-FetalMovement = |
p06-q02-VaginalBleeding | page 6 question 2. Any vaginal bleeding? | 1..1 | boolean | |
p06-q02-1-VaginalBleeding.Details | page 6 question 2.1. Any details surrounding vaginal bleeding? | 0..1 | string | Enable When: p06-q02-VaginalBleeding = |
p07 | page 7. General Practice Information | 0..1 | group | |
p07-q01-PracticeName | page 7 question 1. GP Practice Name | 0..1 | string | |
p07-q02-PracticeEDI | page 7 question 2. Practice EDI | 0..1 | string | |
p07-q03-GPSend | page 7 question 3. Send note to GP Inbox? | 1..1 | boolean | |
Documentation for this format |
Options Sets
Answer options for p01-q01-PregnancyStatus