Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API
0.4.0 - release New Zealand flag

Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API - Local Development build (v0.4.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: ConsumerCOVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponse

Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse ConsumerCOVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponse

version: 1; Last updated: 2024-03-24 21:48:43+0000

.. ConsumerCOVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponseQuestionnaire:Report a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result
... metaPhoneNumberPhone number+64221234567
... extractPhoneNumberCode[not stated] 8497: Text patient com
... submit-modalEnter result
.... submit-modal-textThe RAT result will be recorded against the official health record for Norma Griffiths.
... nlineModalRATs with other lines
.... nlineModal-otherLinesIf your RAT has other lines or markings, consult the product information leaflet.
.... nlineModal-contactHealthlineContact Healthline for further information on 0800 358 5453.
... highRiskModalOther risk factors or medical conditions:
.... highRiskModal-conditionsList of conditions
... reportResultReport a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result
.... reportResult-container
..... reportResult-container-diagramA diagram showing what a positive COVID RAT Result looks like
..... reportResult-container-controlLineIs the control line (C) visible?true
..... reportResult-container-testLineIs the test line (T) visible?true
..... reportResult-container-faintLinesFaint lines
..... reportResult-container-faintLinesDetailIf a line is faint it should still be recorded as visible.
..... reportResult-container-nLineLinkA small number of RATs have an ‘N’ line
..... reportResult-container-testDateDay test was taken[not stated] 2024-03-25: Today
..... reportResult.container.onlyThisWeekYou can only report a test taken within the last 7 days.
... aveSymptomsAntiviral Eligibility
.... aveSymptoms-container
..... aveSymptoms-container-intro
...... aveSymptoms-container-intro-headingAbout these questions
...... aveSymptoms-container-intro-textThe following questions will give you an indication of whether you might be eligible to receive free oral COVID-19 antiviral medicine.
..... aveSymptoms-container-details
...... aveSymptoms-container-details-headingSymptoms of COVID-19 can include one or more of the following:
...... aveSymptoms-container-details-listSneezing and runny nose, sore throat, body aches, cough, feeling tired, headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, fever
...... aveSymptoms-container-details-moreInfoHeadingVisit this page for more information about COVID-19 symptoms:
...... aveSymptoms-container-details-moreInfoLinkCOVID-19 symptoms
...... aveSymptoms-container-details-hasSymptomsHave you been experiencing any symptoms?true
..... aveSymptoms-container-symptomDateHeadingWhen did you start experiencing any of these symptoms?
..... aveSymptoms-container-symptomDateSelect the date that your symptoms started[not stated] 2024-03-22: Friday, 22 March
... aveCriteriaAntiviral Eligibility
.... aveCriteria-container
..... aveCriteria-container-intro
...... aveCriteria-container-intro-headingAbout these questions
...... aveCriteria-container-intro-textThe following questions will give you an indication of whether you might be eligible to receive free oral COVID-19 antiviral medicine.
..... aveCriteria-container-vulnerableTextEligible people include:
..... aveCriteria-container-vulnerableContainer
...... aveCriteria-container-vulnerableContainer-isVulnerableDo any of these apply to you?false
..... aveCriteria-container-highRiskContainer
...... aveCriteria-container-highRiskContainer-textThese are some reasons you might be at high risk of becoming very sick from COVID-19:
...... aveCriteria-container-highRiskContainer-isHighRiskDo any of these apply to you?false
... postSubmit
.... postSubmit-container
..... postSubmit-container-testResult
...... postSubmit-container-testResult-positiveResult: Positive. COVID-19 was detected.
..... postSubmit-container-eligibility
...... postSubmit-container-eligibility-headingAntiviral eligibility
...... postSubmit-container-eligibility-notEligibleNot eligible
..... postSubmit-container-isolation
...... postSubmit-container-isolation-headingRecommended isolation
...... postSubmit-container-isolation-isolateFiveDaysWe recommend you stay home and isolate for five days from either the date you developed symptoms or the date you tested positive, whichever was earlier. You can leave your recommended isolation on the sixth day if you are feeling well.
...... postSubmit-container-isolation-stayAwayFromFacilitiesRecommended isolation
..... postSubmit-container-nextSteps
...... postSubmit-container-nextSteps-headingWhat to do next
...... postSubmit-container-nextSteps-currentAdvicePositiveContinue to follow current advice:
..... postSubmit-container-furtherSupport
...... postSubmit-container-furtherSupport-headingFurther support
...... postSubmit-container-furtherSupport-monitorSymptomsMonitor COVID-19 symptoms and if they get worse or you need medical care, call a healthcare provider or Healthline on 0800 358 5453.
...... postSubmit-container-furtherSupport-call111Call 111 if you find it difficult to breathe, pass out, or find it very difficult to wake up, are blue around the mouth, or very pale and cold, or are having severe chest pain.
..... postSubmit-container-exitCompleteExit
... extract
.... extract-resultObservationValuePositiveExtract - test result positiveDETECTED
.... extract-resultObservationCode[not stated] XNZ5530: SARS-CoV-2 RAT Self
.... extract-diagnosticReport
..... extract-diagnosticReport-code[not stated] XNZ5530: SARS-CoV-2 RAT Self
..... extract-diagnosticReport-identifierSystem
..... extract-diagnosticReport-identifierValueRAT Catcher
..... extract-diagnosticReport-resultSARS-CoV-2 RAT Self
..... extract-diagnosticReport-phoneText patient com
..... extract-diagnosticReportSubjecttrue
..... extract-diagnosticReportPerformertrue
.... subjectNamesubject nameNorma Griffiths

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