0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Capability Statement |
3 Changelog |
4 Consent Based Access Control |
5 Data Access Control Improvement |
6 Data Standards |
7 Developer Guide |
8 History |
9 Rheumatic Fever Data Models |
10 Rheumatic Fever Data Scopes |
11 Rheumatic Fever Examples Cast |
12 Terminology |
13 Artifacts Summary |
13.1 LeadProvidersGroup |
13.2 Medications and Follow-up Guidance Questionnaire |
13.3 Oral Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire |
13.4 Patient & whanau goals and preferences questionnaire |
13.5 Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire |
13.6 Secondary prophylaxis medication allergy questionnaire |
13.7 Consent-Data-Active-AfterAppointments |
13.8 Consent-Data-Active-AfterDiagnosisAndPlanning |
13.9 Consent-Data-Active-Initial |
13.10 Consent-Data-OnBehalfByRelatedPerson |
13.11 Consent-Data-OptOut |
13.12 Consent-Data-Provisional |
13.13 Rheumatic Fever FHIR API Capability Statement |
13.14 Rheumatic Fever Care Team |
13.15 Rheumatic Fever CarePlan |
13.16 Rheumatic Fever Condition |
13.17 Rheumatic Fever Diagnosis Group |
13.18 Rheumatic Fever Medication Request |
13.19 Rheumatic Fever Patient |
13.20 Care Plan status change history |
13.21 Certainty of rheumatic fever diagnosis |
13.22 Codifies role taken by a whanau member of patient's care team |
13.23 Date of assessment of rheumatic heart disease severity |
13.24 Denotes if the member is to be used a primary contact |
13.25 Frequency of rheumatic fever medication |
13.26 Lifelong secondary prophylaxis recommended? |
13.27 Relationship of whanau member to patient in care team |
13.28 Severity of rheumatic heart disease |
13.29 Symptom status at diagnosis |
13.30 Codes for component observations of NZ rheumatic fever diagnosis |
13.31 Codes for rheumatic fever diagnosis observation grouping |
13.32 Codes for rheumatic heart disease symptom status at time of diagnosis |
13.33 Codes for summary diagnosis of the rheumatic fever condition |
13.34 External identifier type codes |
13.35 Generic QuestionnaireResponse yes/no question answer codes |
13.36 Rheumatic fever certainty of diagnosis codes |
13.37 Rheumatic fever medication allergy codes |
13.38 Rheumatic fever patient care team participant role codes |
13.39 Rheumatic fever planned medication frequency codes |
13.40 Rheumatic heart disease severity codes |
13.41 NZ-specific terminology in rheumatic fever data representation |
13.42 BenzathineMedication |
13.43 Care plan closed after one appointment completed |
13.44 Care plan in initial state after Sage Westbrook registered |
13.45 Care plan in initial state after Sage Westbrook registered (R-labelled) |
13.46 Care plan on-hold after first appointment completed |
13.47 Care plan ready to go with all medication planned and appointments booked |
13.48 Care plan with secondary propylaxis underway - two appointments completed |
13.49 DentalFollowUpEncounter |
13.50 DiagnosisDetail-ECHO |
13.51 DiagnosisDetail-JonesCriteria |
13.52 DiagnosisDetail-StrepEvidence |
13.53 DiagnosisDetail-StrepEvidence-Secondary |
13.54 DiagnosisEncounter |
13.55 FollowUp-Dental-August-Booked |
13.56 FollowUp-Dental-August-Fulfilled |
13.57 HealthAssessmentAtOralProphylaxisEncounter |
13.58 HealthAssessmentAtSecondaryProphylaxisEncounter |
13.59 MedicationsAndFollowUpGuidanceQuestionnaireResponse |
13.60 MedicationStatement-August |
13.61 PaniaPunga |
13.62 PatientMedicationAllergyQuestionnaireResponse |
13.63 PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaireResponse |
13.64 PlannedBenzathineMedication |
13.65 PlannedBenzathineMedicationWithLignocaine |
13.66 SageWestbrook |
13.67 SageWestbrookAndWhanau |
13.68 SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-August-Booked |
13.69 SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-August-Fulfilled |
13.70 SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-September-Booked |
13.71 SecondaryProphylaxisAugustEncounterBundle |
13.72 SecondaryProphylaxisCareTeam |
13.73 SecondaryProphylaxisEncounter |
13.74 SevereRfCondition |
13.75 SevereRfConditionWithDiagnosisEvidence |
13.76 TeTaiTokerauRFSecondaryPreventionService |
13.77 VirtualEncounter |
13.78 WaikatoRFSecondaryPreventionService |