New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.7 - draft

New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.7) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Patient & whanau goals and preferences questionnaire

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2023-10-16 Computable Name: PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaire
Other Identifiers: PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaire (use: official, period: 10/16/23 --> (ongoing))

Gathers patient and whanau preferences and goals for rheumatic fever care

Gathers patient and whanau preferences and goals for rheumatic fever care

Generated Narrative: Questionnaire PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaire

LinkIDTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaireGathers patient and whanau preferences and goals for rheumatic fever careQuestionnaire
... page1page1. Please complete this questionnaire to record goals and preferences of a patient or their whanau in relation to rheumatic fever prevention treatment.0..1display
... ImportantToMe1). What things that are important to me and my family that support my health and wellbeing? (enter text)1..1text
... WhanauInvolvement2). How would I like my whanau and support persons to be involved? (enter text)1..1text
... AppointmentsContact4). I know who to contact about my appointments? (choose one)0..1boolean
.... AppointmentsContactHelpI understand who I should phone or text if I need to change my appointments, OR if I am going to be away, OR if I have questions.0..1display
... PreferredAppointmentsLocation5). What location do I prefer to receive injected antibiotics at? (choose one)1..1choiceOptions: 5 options
... InjectionLocationDetail6). More detail about this location (eg. at school during term time, but at home with Dad if out of term time)? (enter text)1..1text
... ImportantDuringInjectionVisits7). What things that are important to me during my injection visits eg. karakia, kaiawhina support? (enter text)1..1text
... InjectionVisitsNoNos8). What things don't work well for me during my injection visits? (enter text)1..1text
... MakingInjectionsComfortable9). What things do I like to have with my injections to make them more comfortable? (multiple choice)1..*choiceOptions: 7 options
... InjectionOtherComfort10). What other things make my injections more comfortable? (enter text)1..1text
... MedsPreferredSupplyMethod11). I would prefer to get my oral antibiotic medicines from? (choose one)1..1choiceOptions: 5 options
... MedsSupplyOtherDetail11.1). If other, enter details1..1textEnable When: MedsPreferredSupplyMethod =
... EasierToGetToAppointments12). What things make it easier for me to get to hospital appointments? (multiple choice)1..*choiceOptions: 6 options
... HospitalAppointmentsImportant13). More detail about the things that are important to me about hospital appointments (enter text)1..1text
... HospitalAppointmentsNoNos14). Things that don't work well for me about hospital appointments (enter text)1..1text
... SupportGettingToHospitalAppointments15). Do I need support getting to and from hospital appointment? (choose one)1..1choiceOptions: 5 options
... HospitalAppointmentsTransportSupportquestion 16. Which transport support option do I need? (choose one)1..1choiceOptions: 4 options
... HospitalAppointmentsTransportOtherDetailquestion 17. What other details are there about getting to hospital appointments? (enter text)1..1text

doco Documentation for this format

Options Sets

Answer options for BestWayToCommunicate

  • phone call
  • text message
  • email

Answer options for PreferredAppointmentsLocation

  • School
  • Home
  • Work
  • Clinic
  • Other

Answer options for MakingInjectionsComfortable

  • Lignocaine
  • Ice pack
  • Buzzy bee
  • Numbing cream (Emla)
  • Numbing spray
  • Distraction
  • Very slow injection

Answer options for MedsPreferredSupplyMethod

  • GP prescription
  • Monthly visit from a nurse
  • 3 monthly visit from a nurse
  • Pick-up from a pharmacy
  • Other

Answer options for EasierToGetToAppointments

  • Support with transport
  • Morning appointments
  • Afternoon appointments
  • Choice of clinic days
  • Cultural support
  • Other

Answer options for SupportGettingToHospitalAppointments

  • Yes - always
  • Yes - sometimes, please check each time
  • No
  • Not sure
  • Other

Answer options for HospitalAppointmentsTransportSupport

  • Taxi vouchers
  • Top up on public transport card
  • Hospital to provide transport
  • Other