New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.6 - draft

New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.6) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example MedicationStatement: MedicationStatement-August

Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement MedicationStatement-August

version: 2; Last updated: 2024-08-07 08:31:00+0000

Tag: rheumatic fever (Details: NZ-specific terminology in rheumatic fever data representation code rf-nz = ' rheumatic fever ', stated as ' rheumatic fever ')

basedOn: MedicationRequest: extension = Every twenty eight days (qualifier value) (SNOMED CT#1511000175108); status = active; intent = plan; medication[x] = ->Medication Bicillin LA 1.2 million units/2.3 mL (900 mg/2.3 mL) injection: suspension, 1 x 2.3 mL syringe; authoredOn = 2023-07-12 04:22:55+0000

partOf: MedicationStatement: status = completed; medication[x] = lidocaine hydrochloride anhydrous 1% (20 mg/2 mL) injection, ampoule

status: Completed

category: Rheumatic fever (disorder)

medication: Medication Bicillin LA 1.2 million units/2.3 mL (900 mg/2.3 mL) injection: suspension, 1 x 2.3 mL syringe

subject: Sage Westbrook (Identifier: NHI/ZKC7284 (use: official, ))

context: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); type = Rheumatic fever (disorder); serviceType = Prophylaxis - procedure intent (qualifier value); period = 2023-08-08 02:10:00+0000 --> 2023-08-08 03:15:00+0000

effective: 2023-08-08 03:15:00+0000

dateAsserted: 2023-08-18 03:15:00+0000


Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement #contained-Lignocaine-dose

partOf: MedicationStatement: status = completed; category = Rheumatic fever (disorder); medication[x] = ->Medication Bicillin LA 1.2 million units/2.3 mL (900 mg/2.3 mL) injection: suspension, 1 x 2.3 mL syringe; effective[x] = 2023-08-08 03:15:00+0000; dateAsserted = 2023-08-18 03:15:00+0000

status: Completed

medication: lidocaine hydrochloride anhydrous 1% (20 mg/2 mL) injection, ampoule

subject: Sage Westbrook (Identifier: NHI/ZKC7284 (use: official, ))
