New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.6 - draft

New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.6) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Rheumatic Fever Examples Cast

Rheumatic fever example players

This page outlines the parties that appear throughout the rheumatic fever instance examples.

All patient examples are fictitious and use NHI/HPI test identifiers where available.

Party Mock identifiers Position in mock service hierarchy Purpose
Sage Westbrook NHI:ZKC7284 (NHI test data) A teenage rheumatic fever patient of NZ European ethnicity who lives in Northland and speaks English Demonstrates usage of the rheumatic fever profile of the FHIR Patient (this profile extends NzPatient from NZBase).
Sage Westbrook and whanau care team NHI:ZKC7284 (NHI test data) Demonstrates a patient with family members and relatives Demonstrates a patient-designated care team, identifying family relatives/friends, each modelled as a FHIR Patient contact element.
Pania Punga NHI:ZAG0345 (NHI test data) A Māori patient Demonstrates a patient of Māori ethnicity and who speaks Māori language. Will also encompass iwi (tribal) affiliation when the RF service requires.
Beryl Hackett
(as patient's contact)
(as RelatedPerson in Consent)
name Sage Westbrook's adoptive mother and legal guardian Demonstrates a relative of a patient as a designated contact. Also appears in the form of a contained RelatedPerson instance in consent by a related person.
Te Tai Tokerau Rheumatic Fever Secondary Prevention Service HPI org: G0M086-B (official) A (real) rheumatic fever lead service provider coordinating care of patients in the former Northland DHB area Demonstrates a FHIR Organisation identified by HPI organisation number. Appears as creator/author of Sage's RF CarePlan; one of the two founding participants of the LeadProvidersGroup CareTeam resource.
Waikato Rheumatic Fever Secondary Prevention Service HPI org: G0M087-D (official) A (real) rheumatic fever lead service provider coordinating care of patients in the former Waikato DHB area Demonstrates a FHIR Organisation identified by HPI organisation number. One of the two founding participants of the LeadProvidersGroup CareTeam resource.
Lead Providers Group well-known identifier=RheumaticFeverLeadProviderGroup A group representing all of the RF lead service providersfounding participants of the LeadProvidersGroup CareTeam resource -
Sage Westbrook's secondary prophylaxis team - A group comprising the key parties who will be involved in delivery of RF secondary prophylaxis care to Sage Demonstrates representation of organisations and practitioners as participants in a FHIR CareTeam, all with official HPI/NHI identifiers.
Isabel Injecta HPI pract. ID:98ZZQJ (HPI test data) A fake district nurse who delivers RF secondary prophylaxis as part of patient care Demonstrates logical reference to an HPI practitioner in the same organisation as an RF Secondary Prevention service.
Felicity Faraway HPI pract. ID:95ZZEJ (HPI test data) An 'away' fake district nurse in another region from the patient's normal RF team Demonstrates logical reference to an HPI practitioner normally associated with another RF Secondary Prevention service (aka ('shared care provider').