FHIR New Zealand Patient Summary IG
0.5.0 - ci-build
FHIR New Zealand Patient Summary IG - Local Development build (v0.5.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
The FHIR implementation of the NZPS derives from the International Patient Summary which is structured as a FHIR document.
Where the FHIR NZ Base IG has defined profiles for resources used by the NZPS, the NZPS profiles will conform to those NZ Base constraints.
The FHIR document consists of a FHIR Bundle (with its 'type' field set to 'Document' to indicate it is a FHIR document). The Bundle resource is a 'container' that is used to hold all the other resources that make up the contents of the patient summary in FHIR document form.
The first of these resources in the FHIR document is a 'Composition' resource that acts as a document header (or 'table of contents') and contains information about the sections in the patient summary document and has references to the resources that have the content for each of those sections. The 'type' field in the composition is set to 'Patient Summary' (with the Loinc code 60591-5 also indicating it is a "Patient summary Document").
The remainder of the Bundle consists of FHIR resources that are either referenced from the Composition's sections, or are referenced by other resources in the Bundle.
This overall structure of the bundle is shown in the diagram below.
Figure 2: The FHIR Patient Summary Document bundle