New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.5.0 - draft

New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.5.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Capability Statement
... 3 Changelog
... 4 Consent Based Access Control
... 5 Data Access Control Improvement
... 6 Data Standards
... 7 Developer Guide
... 8 Fhir Consent
... 9 History
... 10 Rheumatic Fever Data Models
... 11 Rheumatic Fever Data Scopes
... 12 Rheumatic Fever Examples Cast
... 13 Terminology
... 14 Artifacts Summary
.... 14.1 LeadProvidersGroup
.... 14.2 Medications and Follow-up Guidance Questionnaire
.... 14.3 Oral Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire
.... 14.4 Patient & whanau goals and preferences questionnaire
.... 14.5 Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire
.... 14.6 Secondary prophylaxis medication allergy questionnaire
.... 14.7 Consent-Data-Active-AfterAppointments
.... 14.8 Consent-Data-Active-AfterDiagnosisAndPlanning
.... 14.9 Consent-Data-Active-Initial
.... 14.10 Consent-Data-OnBehalfByRelatedPerson
.... 14.11 Consent-Data-OptOut
.... 14.12 Consent-Data-Provisional
.... 14.13 Rheumatic Fever FHIR API Capability Statement
.... 14.14 Rheumatic Fever Care Team
.... 14.15 Rheumatic Fever CarePlan
.... 14.16 Rheumatic Fever Condition
.... 14.17 Rheumatic Fever Diagnosis Group
.... 14.18 Rheumatic Fever Medication Request
.... 14.19 Rheumatic Fever Patient
.... 14.20 Care Plan status change history
.... 14.21 Certainty of rheumatic fever diagnosis
.... 14.22 Codifies role taken by a whanau member of patient's care team
.... 14.23 Date of assessment of rheumatic heart disease severity
.... 14.24 Denotes if the member is to be used a primary contact
.... 14.25 Frequency of rheumatic fever medication
.... 14.26 Lifelong secondary prophylaxis recommended?
.... 14.27 Relationship of whanau member to patient in care team
.... 14.28 Severity of rheumatic heart disease
.... 14.29 Symptom status at diagnosis
.... 14.30 Codes for component observations of NZ rheumatic fever diagnosis
.... 14.31 Codes for rheumatic fever diagnosis observation grouping
.... 14.32 Codes for rheumatic heart disease symptom status at time of diagnosis
.... 14.33 Codes for summary diagnosis of the rheumatic fever condition
.... 14.34 External identifier type codes
.... 14.35 Generic QuestionnaireResponse yes/no question answer codes
.... 14.36 Rheumatic fever certainty of diagnosis codes
.... 14.37 Rheumatic fever medication allergy codes
.... 14.38 Rheumatic fever patient care team participant role codes
.... 14.39 Rheumatic fever planned medication frequency codes
.... 14.40 Rheumatic heart disease severity codes
.... 14.41 NZ-specific terminology in rheumatic fever data representation
.... 14.42 BenzathineMedication
.... 14.43 Care plan closed after one appointment completed
.... 14.44 Care plan in initial state after Sage Westbrook registered
.... 14.45 Care plan in initial state after Sage Westbrook registered (R-labelled)
.... 14.46 Care plan on-hold after first appointment completed
.... 14.47 Care plan ready to go with all medication planned and appointments booked
.... 14.48 Care plan with secondary propylaxis underway - two appointments completed
.... 14.49 DentalFollowUpEncounter
.... 14.50 DiagnosisDetail-ECHO
.... 14.51 DiagnosisDetail-JonesCriteria
.... 14.52 DiagnosisDetail-StrepEvidence
.... 14.53 DiagnosisDetail-StrepEvidence-Secondary
.... 14.54 DiagnosisEncounter
.... 14.55 FollowUp-Dental-August-Booked
.... 14.56 FollowUp-Dental-August-Fulfilled
.... 14.57 HealthAssessmentAtOralProphylaxisEncounter
.... 14.58 HealthAssessmentAtSecondaryProphylaxisEncounter
.... 14.59 MedicationsAndFollowUpGuidanceQuestionnaireResponse
.... 14.60 MedicationStatement-August
.... 14.61 PaniaPunga
.... 14.62 PatientMedicationAllergyQuestionnaireResponse
.... 14.63 PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaireResponse
.... 14.64 PlannedBenzathineMedication
.... 14.65 PlannedBenzathineMedicationWithLignocaine
.... 14.66 SageWestbrook
.... 14.67 SageWestbrookAndWhanau
.... 14.68 SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-August-Booked
.... 14.69 SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-August-Fulfilled
.... 14.70 SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-September-Booked
.... 14.71 SecondaryProphylaxisAugustEncounterBundle
.... 14.72 SecondaryProphylaxisCareTeam
.... 14.73 SecondaryProphylaxisEncounter
.... 14.74 SevereRfCondition
.... 14.75 SevereRfConditionWithDiagnosisEvidence
.... 14.76 TeTaiTokerauRFSecondaryPreventionService
.... 14.77 VirtualEncounter
.... 14.78 WaikatoRFSecondaryPreventionService