New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.6 - draft
New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.6) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse HealthAssessmentAtOralProphylaxisEncounter
version: 2; Last updated: 2024-08-07 08:31:00+0000
Profile: QuestionnaireResponse
Tag: rheumatic fever (Details: NZ-specific terminology in rheumatic fever data representation code rf-nz = ' rheumatic fever ', stated as ' rheumatic fever ')
LinkID | Text | Definition | Answer |
HealthAssessmentAtOralProphylaxisEncounter | Questionnaire:Oral Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire | ||
MedicationIssues | Has the patient had any issues taking their medications? | false | |
DelaysObtainingMedication | Were there delays in obtaining medications that interrupted the patient’s treatment? | true | |
DelaysObtainingMedicationDetail | Enter details of delays in obtaining medication that interrupted patient's treatment (enter text) | Due to a spike in oral medication prescriptions throughout Northland, Sage had difficulties obtaining medication | |
SufficientMedication | Does the patient have enough medication to last until their next check-in? | true | |
PlanForObtainingMedications | Plan for obtaining medications to last until next check-in (enter text) | Get more | |
AnyOtherConcerns | Were There Any Other Concerns or Issues Identified During the Visit? | true | |
OtherConcernsDetail | If yes, describe details, actions taken, and follow-up planned (enter text) | Sage has decided to set up her own pharmaceutical company to resolve medication supply issues. | |
HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed | Health education topics discussed? (multiple choice) | ||
HealthEducationOtherDetail | Enter details of other health education topic discussed (enter text) | Sage and I were discussing the importance of punctuality but ran out of time. | |
RecentOrUpcomingAppointments | Any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments? | true | |
RecentOrUpcomingAppointmentsDetails | Enter details and dates of any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments (enter text) | Sage has an upcoming follow-up with the cardiologist. | |
PlanForNextMedicationAppointment | Comments for the next appointment (enter text) | Keep it rolling | |
Documentation for this format |