New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.6 - draft

New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.6) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire - TTL Representation

Draft as of 2023-11-10

Raw ttl | Download

@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:Questionnaire ;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
  fhir:id [ fhir:v "SecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaire"] ; # 
  fhir:url [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI] ; # 
  fhir:identifier ( [
fhir:use [ fhir:v "official" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "SecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaire" ] ;
fhir:period [
fhir:start [ fhir:v "2023-10-16"^^xsd:date ]     ]
  ] ) ; # 
  fhir:version [ fhir:v "1.0.0"] ; # 
  fhir:name [ fhir:v "SecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaire"] ; # 
  fhir:title [ fhir:v "Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire"] ; # 
  fhir:status [ fhir:v "draft"] ; # 
  fhir:experimental [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean] ; # 
  fhir:subjectType ( [ fhir:v "Patient"] ) ; # 
  fhir:date [ fhir:v "2023-11-10"^^xsd:date] ; # 
  fhir:publisher [ fhir:v "Te Whatu Ora"] ; # 
  fhir:contact ( [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "Te Whatu Ora" ] ;
    ( fhir:telecom [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "url" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "" ]     ] )
  ] [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "David Grainger" ] ;
    ( fhir:telecom [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "email" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "" ] ;
fhir:use [ fhir:v "work" ]     ] )
  ] ) ; # 
  fhir:description [ fhir:v "Gathers information about patient health at a secondary prophylaxis medication appointment"] ; # 
  fhir:purpose [ fhir:v "Gathers information about patient health at a secondary prophylaxis medication appointment"] ; # 
  fhir:item ( [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "page1" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "page1" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Please complete this questionnaire at the secondary prophylaxis appointment to assess a rheumatic fever patient's health." ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "display" ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "ReasonsInjectionOverdue" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "2)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Reason(s) injection was give late? (multiple choice)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "choice" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
fhir:repeats [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
    ( fhir:answerOption [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Previously Care On-Hold" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Unable to Contact Patient" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Patient Not Available on the Day" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Patient Declined Treatment" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "INR Too High" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Patient Lost to Follow-Up" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Service Delayed To Follow-Up" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Service Unavailable on the Day" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Service Error" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Other" ]     ] )
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "OverdueInjectionOtherDetail" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "3)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Other details for late injection (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "OtherPainManagementToolsUsed" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "11)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Pain management tools used? (multiple choice)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "choice" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
fhir:repeats [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
    ( fhir:answerOption [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Ice pack" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Buzzy bee" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Numbing cream (Emla)" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Numbing spray" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Distraction" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Very slow injection" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Other" ]     ] )
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "PainManagementOtherDetails" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "11.1)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Details of other pain management (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
    ( fhir:enableWhen [
fhir:question [ fhir:v "OtherPainManagementToolsUsed" ] ;
fhir:operator [ fhir:v "=" ] ;
fhir:answer [ fhir:v "Other" ]     ] ) ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "PostInjectionConcern" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "12)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Post injection concern or possible reaction identified?" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "boolean" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
    ( fhir:initial [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean ]     ] )
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "PostInjectionConcernDetails" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "12.1)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "If Yes, Record Details, Symptoms, Actions Taken and Follow-Up Plan (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
    ( fhir:enableWhen [
fhir:question [ fhir:v "PostInjectionConcern" ] ;
fhir:operator [ fhir:v "=" ] ;
fhir:answer [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]     ] ) ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "AnyOtherConcerns" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "13)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Were There Any Other Concerns or Issues Identified During the Visit?" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "boolean" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
    ( fhir:initial [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean ]     ] )
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "OtherConcernsDetail" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "13.1)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "If yes, describe details, actions taken, and follow-up planned (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
    ( fhir:enableWhen [
fhir:question [ fhir:v "AnyOtherConcerns" ] ;
fhir:operator [ fhir:v "=" ] ;
fhir:answer [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]     ] ) ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "14)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Health education topics discussed? (multiple choice)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "choice" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
fhir:repeats [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
    ( fhir:answerOption [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Secondary prophylaxis" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Sore Throat Management" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Skin Infection Management" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Dental Health" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Endocarditis Prophylaxis" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Nutrition" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Physical Activity" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Healthy Home Environments" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Sexual Health" ]     ] [
fhir:value [ fhir:v "Other" ]     ] )
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "HealthEducationOtherDetail" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "14.1)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Enter details of other health education topic discussed (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
    ( fhir:enableWhen [
fhir:question [ fhir:v "HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed" ] ;
fhir:operator [ fhir:v "=" ] ;
fhir:answer [ fhir:v "Other" ]     ] ) ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "RecentOrUpcomingAppointments" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "15)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments?" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "boolean" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "RecentOrUpcomingAppointmentsDetails" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "15.1)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Enter details and dates of any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
    ( fhir:enableWhen [
fhir:question [ fhir:v "RecentOrUpcomingAppointments" ] ;
fhir:operator [ fhir:v "=" ] ;
fhir:answer [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]     ] ) ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] [
fhir:linkId [ fhir:v "PlanForNextMedicationAppointment" ] ;
fhir:prefix [ fhir:v "16)" ] ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Comments for the next appointment (enter text)" ] ;
fhir:type [ fhir:v "text" ] ;
fhir:required [ fhir:v "true"^^xsd:boolean ]
  ] ) . #