New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.6 - draft

New Zealand rheumatic fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.6) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: Patient & whanau goals and preferences questionnaire - XML Representation

Draft as of 2023-10-16

Raw xml | Download

<Questionnaire xmlns="">
  <id value="PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaire"/>
    <use value="official"/>
    <value value="PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaire"/>
      <start value="2023-10-16"/>
  <version value="1.0.0"/>
  <name value="PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaire"/>
  <title value="Patient &amp; whanau goals and preferences questionnaire"/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <experimental value="false"/>
  <subjectType value="Patient"/>
  <date value="2023-10-16"/>
  <publisher value="Te Whatu Ora"/>
    <name value="Te Whatu Ora"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
    <name value="David Grainger"/>
      <system value="email"/>
      <value value=""/>
      <use value="work"/>
               value="Gathers patient and whanau preferences and goals for rheumatic fever care"/>
           value="Gathers patient and whanau preferences and goals for rheumatic fever care"/>
    <linkId value="page1"/>
    <prefix value="page1"/>
          value="Please complete this questionnaire to record goals and preferences of a patient or their whanau in relation to rheumatic fever prevention treatment."/>
    <type value="display"/>
    <linkId value="ImportantToMe"/>
    <prefix value="1)"/>
          value="What things that are important to me and my family that support my health and wellbeing? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="WhanauInvolvement"/>
    <prefix value="2)"/>
          value="How would I like my whanau and support persons to be involved? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="BestWayToCommunicate"/>
    <prefix value="3)"/>
    <text value="The best way to communicate with me is…? (choose one)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="false"/>
      <valueString value="phone call"/>
      <valueString value="text message"/>
      <valueString value="email"/>
    <linkId value="AppointmentsContact"/>
    <prefix value="4)"/>
    <text value="I know who to contact about my appointments? (choose one)"/>
    <type value="boolean"/>
    <required value="false"/>
            <system value=""/>
            <code value="help"/>
            <display value="Help-Button"/>
          <text value="Help-Button"/>
      <linkId value="AppointmentsContactHelp"/>
            value="I understand who I should phone or text if I need to change my appointments, OR if I am going to be away, OR if I have questions."/>
      <type value="display"/>
    <linkId value="PreferredAppointmentsLocation"/>
    <prefix value="5)"/>
          value="What location do I prefer to receive injected antibiotics at? (choose one)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="false"/>
      <valueString value="School"/>
      <valueString value="Home"/>
      <valueString value="Work"/>
      <valueString value="Clinic"/>
      <valueString value="Other"/>
    <linkId value="InjectionLocationDetail"/>
    <prefix value="6)"/>
          value="More detail about this location (eg. at school during term time, but at home with Dad if out of term time)? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="ImportantDuringInjectionVisits"/>
    <prefix value="7)"/>
          value="What things that are important to me during my injection visits eg. karakia, kaiawhina support? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="InjectionVisitsNoNos"/>
    <prefix value="8)"/>
          value="What things don't work well for me during my injection visits? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="MakingInjectionsComfortable"/>
    <prefix value="9)"/>
          value="What things do I like to have with my injections to make them more comfortable? (multiple choice)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="true"/>
      <valueString value="Lignocaine"/>
      <valueString value="Ice pack"/>
      <valueString value="Buzzy bee"/>
      <valueString value="Numbing cream (Emla)"/>
      <valueString value="Numbing spray"/>
      <valueString value="Distraction"/>
      <valueString value="Very slow injection"/>
    <linkId value="InjectionOtherComfort"/>
    <prefix value="10)"/>
          value="What other things make my injections more comfortable? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="MedsPreferredSupplyMethod"/>
    <prefix value="11)"/>
          value="I would prefer to get my oral antibiotic medicines from? (choose one)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="false"/>
      <valueString value="GP prescription"/>
      <valueString value="Monthly visit from a nurse"/>
      <valueString value="3 monthly visit from a nurse"/>
      <valueString value="Pick-up from a pharmacy"/>
      <valueString value="Other"/>
    <linkId value="MedsSupplyOtherDetail"/>
    <prefix value="11.1)"/>
    <text value="If other, enter details"/>
    <type value="text"/>
      <question value="MedsPreferredSupplyMethod"/>
      <operator value="="/>
      <answerString value="Other"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="EasierToGetToAppointments"/>
    <prefix value="12)"/>
          value="What things make it easier for me to get to hospital appointments? (multiple choice)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="true"/>
      <valueString value="Support with transport"/>
      <valueString value="Morning appointments"/>
      <valueString value="Afternoon appointments"/>
      <valueString value="Choice of clinic days"/>
      <valueString value="Cultural support"/>
      <valueString value="Other"/>
    <linkId value="HospitalAppointmentsImportant"/>
    <prefix value="13)"/>
          value="More detail about the things that are important to me about hospital appointments (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="HospitalAppointmentsNoNos"/>
    <prefix value="14)"/>
          value="Things that don't work well for me about hospital appointments (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <linkId value="SupportGettingToHospitalAppointments"/>
    <prefix value="15)"/>
          value="Do I need support getting to and from hospital appointment? (choose one)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="false"/>
      <valueString value="Yes - always"/>
      <valueString value="Yes - sometimes, please check each time"/>
      <valueString value="No"/>
      <valueString value="Not sure"/>
      <valueString value="Other"/>
    <linkId value="HospitalAppointmentsTransportSupport"/>
    <prefix value="question 16"/>
    <text value="Which transport support option do I need? (choose one)"/>
    <type value="choice"/>
    <required value="true"/>
    <repeats value="false"/>
      <valueString value="Taxi vouchers"/>
      <valueString value="Top up on public transport card"/>
      <valueString value="Hospital to provide transport"/>
      <valueString value="Other"/>
    <linkId value="HospitalAppointmentsTransportOtherDetail"/>
    <prefix value="question 17"/>
          value="What other details are there about getting to hospital appointments? (enter text)"/>
    <type value="text"/>
    <required value="true"/>